Mice and Wires

Here is Why Your Wiring May be at Risk

Mice and rodents love to eat wires.  There is no real conclusive reason for this, but if you have put up holiday lights, and a squirrel is around, he will chew on that wire.

There is something about the soft feel of the wires, the chewing on the electrical circuits, and the fact that you wanted the lights there in his area.  They love to chew on wires!

A mouse will get into your walls, and can chew on your electrical cables until they are exposed.  This can create a fire.  If you notice that a switch works, and then sometimes does not, and you have a mouse problem, the wiring should be checked.

This makes for an even more dedicated rodent and mouse control process!  You will be sure to catch your mice and make it even harder for them to stick around if you find they are making some wiring chewing choices.  Believe me, this is maddening!

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