Noise, Food, Chemicals and Other Mouse News

Mice can hear in the range of 80 Hz to 100 kHz.  They have keen hearing levels at 15-20 kHz and again at 50 kHz.  This means they can hear things we cannot.  Babies cannot hear until they are over 11 days old.  Loud noises such as buzzers, metal bars being clanged together, plumbing, and vacuums can be very stressful for the mouse.
What do mice eat?
Here is a list of what the rodent pest population in your home likes to eat; grains, some proteins, fruit, and anything that smells especially tempting.  They will eat your chocolate bars, but it may kill them.
Today we live in a world full of chemicals, and it is documented that the mouse world has suffered.  There are many mice that have developed cancer, and tumors, and other serious diseases.  Our environment of antifreeze, petro chemicals, and other strong cleaning chemicals, will hurt mice.  If they wander across a chemical spill, they will suffer the effects.
Pest Toxicity
Mice are also very sensitive to electrical shocks, falling in the toilet, being crushed by furniture being moved, heating and cooling units being maintained, appliances being turned on after periods of rest, carpet toxins and other related household threats.  They are curious creatures, will respond to a stimulus if tempted, and often times, this little wonderment will be their downfall.
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