Owl Nest Boxes

Mice will grow by leaps and bounds, if you let them.  If they are in your home, you must trap them.  Keep reading to find the best way to trap inside your home.

If you have mice outside your home, an Owl Nesting Box or a Series of Them, could be a great, natural way to bring rodent pest control to your area.  Be sure to read more here!

How to Build an Owl Nest Box

First and foremost, you will need to discover what kind of Owls you have at your home radius.  If you are not sure, there are many Owls in North America, and they are listed as:

  1. 1. Screech Owls
  2. 2. Snowy Owls
  3. 3. Barred Owl(shown in Picture)
  4. 4. Barn Owl
  5. 5. Eastern Screech-Owl
  6. 6. Great Horned Owl
  7. 7. Northern Hawk Owl
  8. 8. Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl
  9. 9 . Elf Owl
  10. 10. Burrowing Owl
  11. 11. Barred Owl
  12. 12. Great Gray Owl
  13. 13. Long-eared Owl
  14. 14. Short-eared Owl
  15. 15. Boreal Owl
  16. 16. Northern Saw-whet Owl

The reason you need to discover your kind of owl, is they all have particular needs.  The human element to this pest removal process, is using nature to your own benefit, and you need to be respectful of the needs of each of your owls.

The reason you need to discover your kind of owl, is they all have particular needs.  The human element to this pest removal process, is using nature to your own benefit, and you need to be respectful of the needs of each of your owls.

For instance, a Burrowing Owl, lives in a burrow, and in western parts of North America.  They will not nest in your tree nest box, but you can create a nest box for them, in the ground.  This is a great option for those of you who are fearful of heights, and if you are lucky enough to live in the parts of the country where they thrive.

And, you should check with your local DNR to ensure you are approved with a purchase or build of an Owl Nest Box.  They will have great patterns, and advice on how to make your Owl Nesting Boxes the best for the surrounding Owls.

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