Why Mice Are Health Risks

Wild mice are a hazard to your health.  You can develop allergies to their dander, as like cats, they have an allergenic component to their saliva that is very reactive to some humans.   As they groom themselves, they lick their fur, and the flaky skin leaves their body, and this turns into dusty dander.  This allergy can really manifest itself into itchy, red skin and eyes.  You will not be able to overcome these symptoms until the rodent population is removed.
Mice carry a wide variety of disease.  They are usually full of fleas, which can be passed onto your pets and your home.  If you have mice infestation, you have flea infestation.  Some diseases that can be passed onto you would be Weils’s Disease, Yersinosis, Q-Fever, leptospirosis and samonella poisoning.  They have a crude way of peeing and pooping in your food areas, and will create much territory spraying in your areas to mark their boundaries to other mice.  In the past, some mice were infected with hantavirus, that can be fatal to humans.   Human babies can be biten by mice, as they are attracted to the quiet, soft, warm area that baby sleeps in, and as they smell the baby, milk on the cheek or chin can bring on a bite.
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